Thursday, July 28, 2016

Update on Me

Hey kittens! You might have noticed that I have been doing a lot of offers and filling offers for the past week rather than only doing it on the weekend.  This is because I haven't been to work since last Thursday (July 21) because when I was on my way home that day, I was rear ended. I was at a stand still at the time due to backed up traffic and all of the sudden, my car was hit from behind.

My brand new 2016 Sentra that I just bought 3 months ago was quite damaged as I was hit rather hard. Pictures of the car are below.

I am okay though. I am dealing with whiplash and back muscle strain. It's moderately bad. My back is easily aggravated so I have to take it easy or it will start hurting..  My neck is less severe than my back and usually only hurts if I turn my head or keep it turned for a few minutes.  The muscles in both my neck and back are still very inflamed and very tight. This has aggravated my chronic migraines and I have had a migraine every day since the accident.

So, this is why I have been around more. Doctors have had me out of work.  I should be going back to work Monday (Aug 1) but that could change when I go to the doctor that morning.  I've also been dealing with insurance companies and attorneys.

Just wanted to let you all know what is going on with me. <3

1 comment:

  1. wow huni ss to hear this hope ur ok soon and will def send some healing hugs ur ways xo
